New Beer Releases – December 2018

New Releases Panel
New Releases are beer samples submitted by the breweries for review. The tastings are done blind. The tasting panel for December was:
Tom Dalldorf – Celebrator Beer News
Jim Hart – Ol’ Republic Brewery
Simon Olney – Ol’ Republic Brewery

2018 Wild Sour Brown Ale
New Glarus Brewery – New Glarus, Wisconsin
Hazy brown ale with slight brown head, wild fermentation aromas with stone fruit, orange zesty notes, dried plum notes, very balanced sour/sweet malt and yeast character. Rich, spicy and wonderful. 6% abv. Outstanding

22nd Anni-matter DIPA
Stone Brewing Co. – Escondido, California
Clear golden amber color with off white head and rich lacing, light hop aromas give way to huge malt and orange citrus hop blast in the mouth. Structured bittering balances with the malt body. Citrus medley for old school double. Hop flavors delivered. 9.1% abv. Highly Recommended

Battle of the Lords Northeast Hazy DIPA
Revision Brewing Co. – Sparks, Nevada
Yellow-orange hazy color with medium white head, citric aromas with some oniony character, complex malt structure with pair and citrus fruit flavors and nice hop bittering to balance. Very complex, hop forward with long finish. 8.5% abv. Highly Recommended

Chocolate Stout
New Glarus Brewery – New Glarus, Wisconsin
Seriously black color with creamy tan head, interesting chocolatey note in the roasty malt aroma, complex deep roasty malt flavors with pronounced chocolate flavors add to the complex finish. Yum! 6% abv. Highly Recommended

Crusher Session IPA
Iron Hill Brewery – Wilmington, Delaware
Bright yellow-golden color with rich white head, big assertive hoppy aromas with some piney danky notes and stone fruit as it opens. Clean malt bill supports the big hop blast. East coast IPA at its best! 5% abv. Highly Recommended

Disco Ninja North East Hazy IPA
Revision Brewing Co. – Sparks, Nevada
Hazy white pale yellow color with rich white pillowy head, subtle vegetal hop aroma with huge hop character that follows on the palate. Lots of rich citrus flavors as the dankness dissipates. Soft creamy rich flavors meld nicely without big bittering. Invites that second glass. 7% abv. Outstanding

Double Brut IPA
Dust Bowl Brewing Co. – Turlock, California
Brilliant clear yellow with nice white head, aromas of onion and malt with long lingering flavors enhanced by the super dryness. Very clean fermentation but the hop choice is challenging. Tart and very dry finish. 8.5% abv. Recommended

Golden Ale
Potosi Brewing Co. – Potosi, Wisconsin
Unfiltered golden ale, white head diminishing quickly, big malty aromas follow through in the mouth with subtle hop finish. High carbonation, clean rich mouthfeel. Well balanced for lower alcohol. Excellent session beer!
4.5% abv. Recommended

Gueuze Spontaneous Fermentation
New Glarus Brewing Co. – New Glarus, Wisconsin
Hazy yellow-golden color, rich white head, huge rich wild yeasty aromas fill the room, soft approachable yet a complex of flavors that beg for that next sip. A truly inspired wild fermentation beer. 5% Outstanding

Lakefront Brewing Co. – Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Golden amber color with slight white head, piney and tropical hop aromas with rich crystal malt aromas, big rich full flavors meld nicely in a well balanced effort. Midwest made with west coast sensibilities. 6.6% abv. Highly Recommended

Julius IPA
Tree House Brewing Co. – Charlton, Massachusetts
Hazy yellow color with rich pillowy head, huge garlicy and oniony aromas, soft rich mouthfeel with pronounced garlicy aftertaste. Citric northeast style beer with a west coast attitude. Super clean but garlicky finish. Best served with pasta. 6.8% abv. Highly Recommended

Marionberry Sour
Rogue Brewery – Newport, Oregon
Hazy cherry red color with slight white head that dissipates, fruity sour notes in the aroma, tart clean sour tart candy like flavors. Refreshing and uncomplicated finish. 6.5% abv. Recommended

Nelson IPA
Alpine Beer Co. – San Diego, California
Hazy yellow with slight white head, slight tropical guava hop aromas, rich massive malt mouthfeel, west coast style bittering from a down under hop. Well made solid beer without assertive qualities. Balanced hop quencher. 7% abv. Recommended

Old Eagle Porter
Tribute Brewing Co. – Eagle River, Wisconsin
Black color with rich frothy brown head, big roasty rich malt aroma with some mocha, creamy malty flavors and tartness keeps this true to style and very dry in the finish. 7% abv. Recommended

Pakerland Pilsner
Green Bay Brewing Co. – Green Bay, Wisconsin
Bright yellow color with slight haze, white head dissipates, malt sweetness in the aroma followed by slight noble hop note. Crisp and dry in the finish with clean lingering finish. German lager character. 4.6% abv. Recommended

Spotted Cow
New Glarus Brewery – New Glarus, Wisconsin
Hazy light yellow color medium white head, hoppy subtle aromas with some banana notes, very mild hefeweisen flavors in the mouth, big carbonation with yeasty signature. Delightfully refressing and memorable. 5% abv. Highly Recommended

Stone Soup Belgian Abbey Ale
New Glarus Brewery – New Glarus, Wisconsin
Hazy golden color, medium white head, big vibrant aroma of malt and yeasty notes, big carbonated dense malty flavors, high attenuation and long creamy rich finish. Friendly approachable malt flavored ale with a rich yeasty signature. 6% abv. Highly Recommended

Therapist IIPA
Dust Bowl Brewing Co. – Turlock, California
Clear golden color with rich frothy white head, massive hop aromas of classic hop varieties (three C’s?) gives way to a big malt base with delightful hop bittering that is balanced if not restrained. The beer’s high alcohol is masked by the rich integration of hopping with its complex grain bill. 10.4% abv. Highly Recommended (Wow!)

Uff-da Bock
New Glarus Brewery – New Glarus, Wisconsin
Amber clear color with light tan head fading quickly, huge malty aromas of dark cristal, big malt body in the mouth with dried fruit and tea like notes. Complex rasiny notes. Rich Germanic malty finish. 9% abv. Highly Recommended